Beacon Financial Management, LLC is an independent, objective financial planning and wealth management adviser registered in the state of California offering fee-only services.
We recommend getting started with a get acquainted session that should last about an hour, to discuss your current financial conditions, future goals and concerns. We will explain our services to best suit your needs, the scope of financial planning engagement, our process and methods for investments as well as our fees.
The purpose of this meeting is to help you understand our services that would be of the most value to you and to help you determine if we would be a good fit to form a partnership.
Customized savings and budgeting road map based on your needs and goals.
An experienced, knowledgeable agent acting in your best interest.
Dedicated time to answer your financial questions or to address specific financial needs.
HSA: the only tax trifecta and a possible alternative to Long-Term Care Insurance. Since HSAs were created…
I happened to watch a TV crime drama recently and the criminals were a group of graduate…
Pink or blue. Right or left. An apple or orange make an array of decisions daily: some…
Optimum is 15% of your paycheck, minimum is 10%. The number 1 rule is to pay yourself first. Read more thoughts on that here
Although this is a short question, it has a long answer. It depends. We can help you find the number unique to your circumstances – contact us today.